Saturday, June 9, 2012

Very Pinteresting... (Honey-Soy-Broiled Salmon)

Here is another recipe that is very tasty and very simple to make. Whenever I hear about cooking fish I get a little nervous. However, when I saw this on Pinterest, my mouth watered almost instantly. I would give this a 4 only because the some of the ingredients were things that I didn't have on hand and I really don't like buying things for one dish. It is also pretty good for you! Other than that it was delicious and easy. In fact, it was so yummy that we didn't even get a picture of the finished product because we wolfed them down. You should definitely try it out!

Honey-Soy Broiled Salmon Recipe

Monday, June 4, 2012

Lilacs and ant attacks

The other day, Austin and I had a little friend visit our cozy home, let's call him Columbus. Little did we know that Columbus was a scout for a very terrifying army of hundreds, nay thousands. He infiltrated the duplex far too easily, found the easiest route to the target and completed his mission successfully. Then, to complete this dastardly deed, he told the Queen of his findings in this new land. She ordered the army to immediately attack the new land and prepare to take over. One by one, these little guys appeared, seemingly harmless into our home. Ants do not threaten me. They don't "bug" me (pun, very much, intended). So as I saw one I would just squish it and flush it down the toilet without a squeak or a squeal. Then I noticed that I was killed quite a few of Columbus' comrades and I became concerned. Austin and I decided that we needed to form a counter-attack. I followed these little fellas from our front door across our living room, into the dining room, and into our kitchen. Now, that we knew the route we began to vacuum them up and clean the route so they wouldn't be able to follow Columbus' route. Most importantly, we had to find where their home base was located. While I accumulated the weapons (baking soda and boiling water), Austin left in search of the hill. We both followed many ants, dug holes in the front flower beds and poured baking soda every where on the front porch. It looked like we were "warding off witches", as Austin put it. Finally, I saw a tiny ant crawl into some dirt. I noticed that this dirt was very fine and started digging it up. EUREKA! We found their home base! We got the hot water and poured it down. Looking back I feel really bad about this, however...they started it.

Anyway, the good that came out of this was that I found the lovely blooms of the lilac bush in our front yard. I quickly cut some stems and put them in a vase. They remind me a lot of my grandma. Also, they make our house smell wonderful.

Aren't they pretty?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Very Pinteresting...(DIY colored pants)

The big thing right now is the colored jeans or pants. I love them. I bought some lovely yellow jeans about a month ago and I have adored them ever since. So naturally when I stumbled across this DIY project I couldn't resist. I couldn't believe how easy and affordable it was. I got the dye at JoAnn's  and the pants at Deseret Industries. Here's the breakdown:

                       $2.50 for dye
+8.00 for pants (they are Hollister!)

 = Some awesome new, sky-blue pants!

Excuse the modeling....I don't do that for a living.