If you were lookin' for THE cutest kids in the world, you came to the right blog. I am the aunt of the most adorable nieces and handsome nephews on the planet. I love them so much!
She is such a funny girl. She loves dance and drama. When she was little she would put on one-person plays for the whole family. She is so pretty and has inherited the Hadley sense of humor. We love this little princess.
"My mom wasn't paying attention to me and I lost my patience and I stuck the bead up my nose!"
AKA: Nealio |
He is one tough kid. I think that he never stops moving. He is always running, jumping, climbing, bouncing... He also says some of the funniest things ever. He loves to play soccer and t-ball.
Quote: After Austin, asked what Neal was growing in his garden he replied
"Ya know, salad."
AKA: Sam the Man |
Neal and Sammy are best buddies. Sam is such a sweet heart and always tries to be a peacemaker. He loves Lego's and dinosaurs. He is just started soccer and loves it!
"I don't want a pretend party for my birthday party this year. I want a real party."
AKA: Henners |
Sweetest little boy. He is also very tough. He has the cutest little voice and longest eyelashes I've ever seen. He loves to play with little Claire.
"I don't want to tell the joke about the dolphins. (Why?) There's just no porpoise in it."
AKA: Claire-bear or Scary Clairy |
She is such a feisty little princess. She loves all things girly but she is very strong willed. She is very cute and loves to play dress-up all the time. If she could wear her princess dress everywhere she would.
"I want syrup and sugar on my pancakes."
AKA: Abby-gal |
Cute little baby girl. She is very tall and thin for her age. To communicate, she nods and pouts her lips and grunts. She has the prettiest blue eyes and curly blond hair. Right now, she loves to climb on everything.
AKA: Russel the Muscle |
Such a cute baby boy. When we went to see him in the hospital (after he was born) Grace ran up so us and said "We finally have a black baby!" As you can see, he is the only one with dark hair, olive skin, and dark eyes. We love this little sweety.
Nieces and nephews are so much fun!! I love how you put a quote next to each of them cause kids really do say the most hilarious things! One of Matt's nephews Ethan was playing basketball with his uncles and uncle Dan missed a basket which Ethan made. Ethan then told uncle Dan, "Sometimes you have to be embarrassed" hahaha he was so serious too!! Love little kids!! Now that you're graduated, any little ones of your own coming along?!?!? ;) We need to have another girl's night!